8 trusted methods of promoting blog [generate tones of organic traffic]

8 trusted methods of promoting blog [generate tones of organic traffic]

It’s easy to make a blog but its difficult to make a successful blog consistently getting good traffic.Many bloggers go to facebook, twitter and Google plus post their link there with a comment and wait for traffic to come on their website trust me guys I was also that kinda guy at a time but I failed to create a successful blog because I was taking blogging very casually but now things have been improved. Today we will see 8 trusted methods of promoting blog.

So, let’s begin,
#1. Become a personality
You might be thinking how can you become a personality or how can it help you to get more traffic but trust me it works if you become a personality people will know you more as a person not as a blogger or a marketer.
How to become a personality?
Use social media start your Facebook page, instagram account and Youtube channel ,start Vlog and it will create a bond between you and your audience and they will start trusting you as a friend. It will create a quality traffic with less bounce rate.

#2. Use Google plus
Many of you might not be knowing the power of Google plus it is one of the most powerful social media platform you can join the communities related to your blog topic and can promote your blog. You can also create your own community to be known as a personality. But the thing is you just not have promote the blog but also have to express your ideas and feelings for them.

#3. Link the URLS related to your content
You should link the subtitles and difficult words with the relevant URLS so that your audience can understand your article in detail and try to do the posts related to the linked words and linked subtitles and replace URLS of your own blog. It will definitely increase your traffic. And it also will help you to choose the topic for your blog post. The more useful the content more will be the viewers/traffic.

#4. Create backlinks
Backlinks are the new doors towards your websites you can call it a extra source of traffic. You have to go to a blog related to your blog and write a useful comment on an article and give link of your blog. When other people will read your comment the chances will be more that they will click your given link.

#5. Social media discussion
Become active in social media discussion use forms, social media channels, and blog posts and comment sections. It is another resource to attract the people that may will find interest in your blog posts.
Don’t do promotions for your blog shamelessly, join their discussion and show them your interest in their topic because no one wants to hear the people who are not interested in them.

#6. Reusing old posts

If you don’t know how it works don’t get disappointed cause I am going to tell you a really amazing idea which works really well and I will tell you how it works.
It’s so easy and straightforward. You take one of your old blog post and change its points such that it will create a new topic and use that topic to answer a relevant question in Quora, you also can make Youtube video and you can post it on facebook and all other social media platforms with which you are connected with, if you are not connected open an account now because it is the best way to get publicity and publicity creates traffic.

#7. Make community on social media platforms

It is actually a brief topic to discuss there is a step by step process to make community so it is not possible to cover the whole topic but I can give you a hint.
Do you know we can create our own community of like minded people on Google plus, where you can post your activities and recommendations. Trust me it will help you a lot to increase your blog audience drastically.
Suggestion: don’t just share your content add some attractive lines from your article with it.

#8. Live streaming on youtube and facebook

If you want to be known as a personality you must do live streaming on social media like youtube and facebook. It will help you to talk better and build your personality.

Hope this article helped you. If you have any confusion regarding promoting your blog then feel free to ask us and if you have any other strategy then do let us know in the comment section.
Read more: www.ridemecrazzy.com

Stay tuned for more such updates google plus.


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