how can we make money through blog.[The official guide]

On this page I want to walk you through the process of how to make money blogging. It’s perfect for those who already have a blog but if you don’t I recommend you check out our guide to create a blog(it’s step 1) you can start blogging with no money.

My inspiration to become a blogger

In 2007 my friend began to blog one day on impulse after seeing another blog and being fascinated by the medium. he had no idea at the time that what he was doing would ultimately lead to a complete change in his career path and end up being something he’d make a full time income from in several years later. Actually he was a health and fitness blog. But nowadays Harsh Agrawal has became an inspiration for people starting blog.

How you can make money through blog?

1. Create a blog
2. Fill useful content in your blog
3. Promote your blog
4. Learn ways to make money through blog

So let’s get started,

#1. Create a blog

Create a blog on wordpress or blogger if you don’t know how it works then click here.


1) Choose one specific topic: Because Google rank your site according to rank of your site category.

2) Use fancy language: Using fancy language attract people. It’s because no one comes to read boring things on internet.

#2. Fill useful content in your blog

Here the game begins it is the most important phase of blogging because most of the people write the stuff that most of the people already know but we don’t have to write the thing that everybody already know but you have to write something new to pull the traffic. You may use some attractive titles like:

1) 20x ideas which will double your site traffic in 3 days

2) How to get six pack abs in 7 days(no workout)

3) How to look like celebrities in just 1.5 minutes.

#3. Build audience for your blog

There are many ways to build audience but before building audience you must write your post so if any one read it he can trust on that information so that your readers will get confidence. Here are some ways to build audience.

1) Try to find low competition topics for your articles

2) Study top 3-5 blogs who have written article on the topic you have selected

3) Use very fragile language(soft language)

4) Share on social media(especially on Google plus)

5) Write articles and add your blog links inside it and mail that article to top bloggers of your topic if they like your article they can publish it on their blog. It will become another door to your website.

6) Start youtube channel to promote your blog,e-books and other products.

#4. Learn ways to make money through blog

There are 8 major ways to make money through blog:

1) Advertising

2) Affiliate marketing

3) Promote offline business

4) Services(free lancing, coaching, training, consulting, speaking, design)

5) Events(live events, workshops)

6) Products(virtual, physical)

7) Recurring revenue(coaching, private communities)

8) Selling blog Implement the information you have got(most important)

“Blogging is like a tree where your time is water, your creativity is fertilizer and promotion is sun light and it will make revenue as fruits”.
                                                                -Aadesh karira

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Affiliate marketing Vs Adsense

Affiliate marketing Vs Adsense

Affiliate marketing and Adsense both two most popular was to earn money with your blog. But there are many differences between them which I will compare in this Article.

So, let’s begin,

    Affiliate marketing:

If you are reviewing any product in your blog you can give an affiliate link of that product in that article also can give banners if anyone click’s on that link or banner and buy that product then you will get some percentage of profit from that product.

  1. You can give the affiliate link and banners on your site.
  2. No matter if you are new in blogging having very less traffic or if you are experienced and having lots of traffic on your blog in both the cases you can use this method.
  3. Only the thing is you should have an affiliate account.
  4. It has a huge potential to earn even you can make 10 to 15 time more money than Adsense only the thing is you should have quality traffic and the audience to buy the products from your affiliate link.
  5. If you are advertising your own product then you can make even more money from here because the sales of your product increase.
  6. Here money is not guaranteed if the product you reviewed is not good or if your review is not good enough then there are nearby no chances that anyone will buy it.

Google Adsense:

If you do not review any kind of product or you don’t want any risk in making money. It can be option for you. Even it can be a good option to use both affiliate links and Google Adsense at the same time but the thing is you will not be able to use affiliate banners and Google Adsense at the same time.

  1. You can give banners of Adsense at side and the bottom of your page.
  2. You should have a good traffic on your site to qualify for Google Adsense.
  3. You should have a Google Adsense account.
  4. It has a good potential to earn but it is less than Affiliate marketing but it give a steady income.
  5. You can also use Affiliate marketing links in your article but not the banners.
  6. Here money is guaranteed even if any one click on your post then also you will get paid for that only the thing is your page should have ads in it.

I hope this article has solved your confusion between Adsense and Affiliate marketing.

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How to be honest with blogging?

     How to be honest with blogging?

There are some question related to blogging but only some of the people try to find their answers. This curiosity is very important to become a good blogger.

Here the question came in my mind was how to be honest with your blog?

So first we should know the reasons why you should be honest with your blog?

So let’s begin riders,

  1. Reasons why you should be honest with your blog?
    We have started blogging because it’s our hobby as well as madness to make money hopefully if your blog has unique and interesting content you will also make some good revenue from it means here your hobby is converted into profit. And who don’t need money? Absolutely everyone want it. Even if you are rich and if you are poor then, of course. But the thing is, if you have started your blog just to make money instantly then you may quit it in few weeks/days it may be bitter to hear but it’s the truth. Here the reason for blogging should be helping other people by writing article which should not be 18+ because porn sites are not eligible for adsense.

  2. How to be honest with blogging?
    Here the honesty with your blog is the honesty with your audience and your passion. Here we can consider some limits which you should not cross:

  1. Don’t write paid review of bad products.
  2. Don’t write anything that can harm anyone in any aspect.
  3. Don’t waste the time of people by writing any fake titles.

  1.  Don’t write paid review of bad products:
    Here the situation is that the people have started to believe you if they will buy bad products on your recommendation then they will never come back to your site or they may also write bad reviews or comments for you that will surely destroy reputation of your blog. So never pay your reputation for money.

  2. Don’t write anything that can harm anyone in any aspect:
    You should consider everyone in this world and consider their feelings and see that you don’t write anything about caste colour or any discrimination or any insulting thing about anyone. It should be a reader friendly blog.

  3. Don’t waste the time of people by writing any fake titles:
    You may have seen the blogs with titles like Iphone for free when you enter (Boom) only fake advertisements. Do you know they have got a good traffic but they also have got a terrible bounce rate that don’t allow them to create good reputation.

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How to start a blog [complete guide]

How to start a blog [complete guide]
So you want to become a successful blogger. You may have heard of a 28 years old lady making $100,000/month and travelling all around the world. People are making money and going for world tours. In India we know Harsh Aggarwal as the best Indian blogger. He make his full time revenue from blogging up to $50,000/month . You can also make your part time as well as full time career in blogging. You can start your blog as part time and after getting revenue from it you can shift it to full time job. Our dream is to make our family free from 9 to 5 jobs.
 Do you know what blogging actually is?
It is the conversion of a hobby to passion means it give you some revenue in the form of money for shearing your hobby with people and can even make you rich. But here the thing is you should never quit it may take some months to create your audience but be calm and patient and because many people also have lost their hopes when it was near to get started. As you know money generates more money like this the audience create more audience. I will share all my blogging skills with you because I in believe in “sharing is caring” and you all are my brothers and sisters so it is important to take care of my family members.

How to start a blog:
        1.      Choosing right blogging platform
        2.      Choose topic for your blog
        3.      Register a domain name and hosting
        4.      Customize your blog
        5.      Add pages
        6.      Start posting
  7.    Generate site map
  8.    Learn SEO
  9.      Promote your blog
       10.     Know your audience
       11.     Do improvements accordingly
       12.     Name you audience(not necessary)

Few years ago most of the people on our planet earth were not aware of generating passive income through internet platform and only the few people who were knowing about this were not introducing this platform because they wanted to eat all of the fruits of internet but the time came when the heroes like Harsh Aggarwal and Aadesh Karira came in to existence and made the people aware of this incredible resource of money.  
Let’s come to the topic without wasting any more time.

        1.    Choosing right blogging platform
The choice is between, and .
If you will ask me why only these three there are many other options?
My answer:
·        blogger is a Google product so it is easy to rank in search engine because of support of Google also because 45% of the profit from the blogger blog goes to GoogleIf you are new in blogging you can use this free platform and you can also transfer your blogger website to wordpress without losing any audience.
· is a free platform like blogger but it will not provide you support like Google and also you can’t make money using Google Adsense option. But it will provide you good plug-ins and customization option.
· is not a free but cost effective platform for bloggers because here you can buy a custom domain and custom hosting on your choice and it will unlock many plug-in and monetisation options including Adsense.
        2.     Choose topic for your blog
Choose the topic you are interested in considering competition on that topic. You can use Google Adwords planner or to see the competition on that topic.
  3.     Register a domain and hosting for your blog
If you are starting a website using you have to buy a custom domain or create one and also have to buy a hosting. I will refer you Bluehost because it provides you a free domain with your hosting and it is the best hosting on planet earth because it provides 100% up time. Blue host provides you 1-click installation of wordpress and it is easy to use also. And hostgator also can be a good option to buy hosting because some times it give some special discounts on purchase. If you want an custom domain for blogger you can get it cheap from 

        4.     Customize your blog
The customization is setting theme and arranging the pages in the order you want it but you have to take care that it should be easy to understand the arrangement of pages by just looking it.
 Means it should be user friendly. You must give social media share buttons. It will help you increase your audience.
  5.     Add pages
Here there are 4 important pages you have to put in your blog because these are important for Google adsense. I am clearly saying this sentence again these are not 4 posts these are 4 pages.
These Four important pages are : a. Privacy policy
                                                      b. Terms and conditions
                                                      c. Contact
                                                      d. About
  a. Privacy policy
you can generate free privacy policy from privacy policy generator click here to go directly to free privacy policy generator.
  b. Terms and conditions
you can generate free terms and conditions for your blog by clicking here.
  c. contact
Provide some contact details like your email address and your residential address.

  d. About
Here you can write anything related to you like your qualification, your skills, and your achievements etc and insert your pic.

        6.     Start Posting
Start writing post. Don’t write directly into blog, write it in word document and align it properly, bold the keywords you have used and paste it in your blog. Before publishing the post, link the hard words to the websites where you can find its meaning. Don’t think more and post it confidently.

  7.     Generate sitemap
Generate sitemap using sitemap generator go directly to free sitemap generator by clicking here. Copy that sitemap and go to your blog settings edit robots.txt and paste sitemap there enable robots.txt and save changes.

  8.   Learn SEO

SEO(search engine optimisation) it is a way to rank higher in google so learn SEO to rank higher
in search engine and get tons of organic traffic.
        9.     Promote your blog
Use your social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google plus, Twitter, whatsapp and etc. Simply write: “check this out I am sure you will love it: your link” and post it. You can also write a good comment on a website related to your topic and can give your link with that comment it will surely give you some quality traffic and audience.
        10.     Know your audience
When your website get some good amount of audience, you will surely get some comments from them. So by reading and applying your logic you can understand your audience needs.

       11.   Do improvements accordingly
  If you have understood the situation you can do improvements in your blog accordingly.

1     12.   Name your audience(not necessary)
If you are writing an advice for your audience in that advice you can call your audience with a name like I call my blog family as riders and Harsh [author and owner of] call them shouters.

                 So best of luck!!
I believe this information must be useful to you.

Make sure you should Book mark this blog if you want more content like this.

    I pray you become rich in your near future.
         Thank you being a rider.

       AT the last i want to tell you a thought:  
“Too many people give up on their dreams by listening to people who gave up on theirs”.

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Think and grow rich.[brief summary]

Think and grow rich

Hey friends!!
Think and grow rich” this single book had made many people rich and had made them many fortunes which no book has ever done.
So let’s begin.
Napoleon hill was a journalist and writer who fortunately got the chance to take interview of the richest person of that time Andrew Carnegie. Interview was going well but then Carnegie kept a very serious offer before him.
Carnegie said that i know that most of the people will fail during the process of getting successful while trying to figure out everything themselves. But the reality is that the principles for becoming successful are universal. As laws of gravity and motion can’t be change. The principle of getting rich can’t be changed.
 So it will be better for people to understand that principles from us rather than investing any of their important time. Therefore i want you to make a book that should contain the wisdom and knowledge of the world’s most successful people that will help the people to achieve success quickly. I will give you opportunity to interview the world’s most rich and successful people by my contacts but thing is i will only give you money for travelling and nothing more.
So will you like to accept my offer?
After thinking for few seconds Napoleon accepted the offer.
After that he researched for about 20 years on 500 world’s most rich and successful people and created a wonderful book. I am giving you a brief summary of that book.
So let’s come to the topic.
1.      DESIRE
·        Having a burning desire to achieve your goals
a.      Fix the amount of money you want
b.     Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire
c.      Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire
d.     Create a definite plan
e.      Write down everything
f.       Read it daily
2.      Knowledge
1. General
2. Specialize
                  3. Imagination
·        Men can create anything which he can imagine
4                       4.Persistence
5                       5.The power of mastermind

1)     DESIRE:
·        Having a burning desire to achieve your goals

Example: when seeing a sports car many people will say I wish I had this type of car but on the other hand, person with strong desire says I like this Ferrari Enzo . I will have it one day for sure. The stronger the desire will be more will be the chances of that person to complete that task.
A good example of strong desire is: In 1519 Harden Curtis went to a foreign land through seaways for conquering that land. His aim was to make that land on his name. It was his desire that he wanted to complete at any cost. But when he reached that land with his 500 soldiers he saw his enemies were much more in number. Then by seeing this, Harden ordered his soldiers to burn all his ships.
Why? Because he wanted to win that battle anyway but if the ships will be there then their soldiers may think to go back and run away. So he burnt his ships and said “Either we die or win”. Because of this emotional phrase and dangerous decision, his soldiers fought with their full strength and achieved victory.
This is extreme desire that don’t even think of his life.
Well, I am not suggesting you to endanger your lives.    
But at least you should devote your time and hard work for your dreams.
But the author says that we can also use it for money desire in reality in 6 steps.

These are:
a.      Fix the amount of money you want:
Decide exact amount that you want to live a good life. Because if you don’t know the fix amount then you will become like a ship which is went for a journey but don’t know its destination. So there are more chances that the boat will never achieve any goal. Therefore it is important to fix the amount of money you want anyhow for a living a good life.

b.     Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire:
Now think what sacrifices you can do to get that amount of money what you fixed. Because success needs sacrifice i.e. nothing but time, money, and hard work .
e.g.   I can sacrifice 6 hrs of time 2 hrs of sleep and 8 hrs of hard work.
Because it is a universal law that you have to pay something to get something.
c.      Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire:
Decide a date up to which you want to earn the amount of money you fixed.

d.     Create a definite plan:  
Create any plan and start to implement that don’t think about creating a perfect plan because there is nothing like a perfect plan. So start taking actions immediately. Because if you will take more time to plan then you may never start working.

e.      Write down everything:
Take one book and write the answers of the all that four things that are written above. Because it will give you a direct start that will help you do your task.

f.       Read it daily:
Read the things you have written i that book at least twice a day. And read it loudly repeat it like this it will fit in your subconscious mind. Which are very important to think and grow rich.

2)      Knowledge:
There are two types of knowledge :
1.      General
2.      Specialize

1.      General: 
Here the problem is most of people fill their mind with general knowledge from their childhood like general knowledge, facts and figures which usually don’t help us in our real life in anyway.

2.      Specialize:
But the successful people fill their mind with specialize knowledge of one field.
And that specialize knowledge also help them to make money in real life.
e.g. a doctor with a normal clinic doing general treatment do not make as much money as a doctor who has specialize in one organ like heart or eyes.

Once  a news paper mentioned Henry ford as a ignorant pessimist and was mentioned as a very bad person therefore Henry ford sued them and when the questioning begin in court then opposition lawyer started to do stupid questions like who was Benedict Arnold? And how many soldiers British sent to America to put rebellion down in 1776?  And many offensive questions . Hearing all that shit his brain cracked and he shouted by showing finger : hey  if I really have to answer these foolish questions you have been asking me remember!! There are bunch of electronic push buttons inside my desk by pressing right button I can call any person who can answer me all that questions that you have been asking me including the questions related to my business now can you tell me why  I should remember all that general knowledge that will be never useful to me and can get answer by just pressing a button!!
After hearing this question that lawyer paused and the people present there also agreed that his question is logical. Everyone knew that the Henry Ford is not an ignorant but is an extremely intelligent intellectual.
Most of the people do a mistake that they fill their mind with useless information which will never make anything for them and our education system is also contributing in this. Therefore author suggests you should specialise in one field rather than learning basics of every field. Just become a master of one field like nobody can. Because only that specialised knowledge can grow you rich.
3)      Imagination:
·        Men can create anything which he can imagine

In around last 150 years the humans have achieved that they never achieved in entire history.
1.      If you go 150 years back, and say ‘a time will come when people will sit in a metal chamber and will fly from one country to another in few hour the people may have considered you as a fool’. But now it has became a reality in the form of aeroplane and helicopter. Because of thinking like Henry ford it has become possible to travel in a car rather than a horse cart.
2.      Only by dial of some numbers on a solid sheet(mobile phone) we can talk to a person present in another country. It was also a unbelievable imagination which now a child can also do. Like this the billion Dollar businesses have set up in this world. So to grow rich you also have to do same kind of imagination.
Here the imagination can be divided in to two groups:
a.      Synthetic
b.      Creative
a.      Synthetic:
Synthetic means to observe others ideas and modify them or to mix up two ideas or to improve the same idea and make it a new idea it is very common imagination which come with experience and observation.
b.      Creative:
These are new ideas which have never been discovered.
4)      Persistence:

Desire and persistence together make a special formula that can make anyone successful.
Example: Once there was a partially deaf boy once his teacher posted a notice to his mother that “your son is stupid. He can’t do anything in his life please keep your child at home”. Then his mother replied that “my son is not a stupid. I will teach my son and he will become successful person. After all that his son got a burning desire to achieve success one example of his persistence is invention of light bulb.
             Yes, he was Thomas Edison, he failed around 1000 times but never gave up and invented a light bulb. He says he haven’t failed 1000 times but he got 1000 ways how not to make light bulb. This is actually called true persistence.
           Another great example of persistence is Colonel Sanders who took secret chicken recipe of his mother and went to search a partner who can help him to make that recipe famous after he become insolvent at the age of 65 but as expected no one was interested in his idea but after 1009 times rejection finally one person accepted his offer after that his life changed he became millionaire in few years. And now KFC has became a big brand that we all new. It became true only because of persistence of Colonel. We all should be persistent until we achieve our goal. We all have to make our dreams true because we can.

5)      The power of mastermind:

We all become like that 5 people with whom we spend our most of time. It means if you spend your most of your time with 5 positive and successful people the chances you will become positive and successful but if you will spend most of your time with negative and unsuccessful people the chances are that you will become unsuccessful in life. This is a point to think because mostly you will see unsuccessful people are always surrounded by negative people who always discourage them and tell them negative thoughts so he ignores all the good and positive things he learned in his life. It is impossible not to do it but on the other hand the positive people spend their most of time with positive and successful people who always encourage them and help him to achieve success. We all humans are social creatures who are mostly influenced by their society.
Example: if a person is in the group where everyone smoke the chances are he is already smoking or will start smoking in near future.
Therefore try to spend most of your time with positive and successful people.
Follow the social media groups which will keep you positive and try to speak like positive and successful people.
         All these points are from one of my favourite book think and grow rich.
           If you like all the points which I have told you from this book then you can buy it or can add to cart just by clicking this Amazon affiliate link.

            So best of luck!!

I believe this information must be useful to you.

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I pray you become a millionaire or billionaire in your near future.
Thank you being part of our riders family.

At the end i want to tell you a thought:
      "your children will follow your example, not your advice".